I've never baked brownies before. No, really! I've eaten tons of them. Most of the time, cafes and restaurants seem to have brownie with icecream as the only half-decent choice for dessert. But I don't think I've given too much thought to brownies per se. Except last week when I was browsing Shaheen's beautiful blog and came across her recipe for Baked brownies. I know all brownies are baked, but these were made with a recipe from Baked, the famous New York bakery.
They are quite simple to make too. Melt 90 grams butter and 130 grams chocolate in a microwave. Let cool to room temperature, then add 3/4 cup sugar and mix. Beat in two eggs, one at a time. Add 1/2 tsp vanilla essence, then fold in 1/2 cup flour that you have mixed with 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder. Pour everything in a foil lined 7 x 5 baking dish, top with walnuts and bake for 20-25 minutes. Let cool, then cut into squares.
Are they good brownies? Sure. I liked them, and so did my friends. Are they the best brownies I've eaten? Surely not. Some blogs I read said they would get better after 24 hours, but the brownies didn't last long enough for me to test that. But now that I've made my first good brownie, I am on a lookout for the "best" brownie recipe. Any suggestions?