This month, our book club reads Garlic and Sapphires. The story of Ruth Reichl, back when she was the food critic for New York Times, is funny yet poignant and touching. With the power to make or break a restaurant, the likes of Ruth, Frank Bruni and of course the currently reigning Sam Sifton have to deploy every method to remain anonymous when they go visit a target.
Ruth Reichl turned to elaborate makeup and disguises to make sure she got her readers an objective review. But her ability to get into the character also changed her, affecting her view of the world. The book offers a glimpse into the life of a food critic (and isn't that every foodie's dream) but it also takes you a little closer to understanding the very charming Ruth.
Another great thing about the book; there's a recipe after every chapter, something to go with every new avatar Ruth takes on. From the array of recipes, I picked Risotto Primavera, an adaptation of lobster risotto from Le Cirque.

It's basically rice sauteed in butter, cooked with some mushroom stock, peppers, asparagus and peas then topped with cheese. Or rather, this is the version from someone too lazy to write a recipe. Send me a mail if you need it and I promise I'd type it out.
In the meantime, let me tell you about next month's book. We are reading Tales of a Female Nomad by Rita Golden Gelman. Do let me know if you would like to read it with us and I'd send you more details.