One of the biggest problems with making pancakes for one person is that you always have too much batter. Even the smallest batch, made with one egg, makes enough batter to make pancakes for two. So what's a person to do when you are by yourself and want pancakes. One, you can have crepes because crepe batter lasts for a couple of days in the fridge and is even batter the second day. But if it's pancakes that you want, here's what you do. Make pancakes with half the batter, then pour the remaining batter into muffin tins and bake at 180C for 15-20 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the centre of the muffin comes out clean.
I did this with the eggnog pancakes I made yesterday. Now, because pancake batter is not as sweet as your cake batter, you need to up the sugar level in your muffins once they come out of the oven. You have several options to do that:
1. Add another tbsp of sugar to your batter before you bake.
2. Brush your muffin tops with butter as they come out of the oven and dip in sugar. Regular caster sugar works but I had some Swedish pearl sugar lying around and that's what I went with.
3. Add a thick layer of sweet frosting.
Either ways, make some pancakes so you can make pancake muffins later. They are really better than any regular muffins.